Monday, January 16, 2006


The cheap lunatics with ideas as crazy as they are,
Pouring wickedness all the way, keeping dull days real far.
and yet when you are caught to be spanked on your only butt,
They will shove in theirs too, with all the in-comprehendible gut!

Billowing with madness no matter, stoned or sane,
Sticking up a smile, even when they wince in pain.
Good with words, to pull off even worst, with their wit,
So that you don't look like a dork; while u just ate the grit.

Teetotaler, sad, sick, sadist with raunchiest of joke,
Or eccentric, egoist, dullard and biggest of all bloke.
No matter who and what they are, you just can't look down on them
‘Cause they were the one, who kept you hanging; when whole world gave a DAMN!!


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