Saturday, October 07, 2006

Bottle of alcohol!

I am just another Bottle of alcohol,
existing to drown someone's pain.
Ostentating myself, up in vanity,
I would sublime the insane from sane.
Dressed in frigid dress of ice,
longing to see myself, run down the veins.
Incoherent truth, blabbered in impulse,
breaking guilt free, of it's eternal chains.
Finally am Abandoned empty bottle of alcohol,
smashed to ground, into million tiny bits.
As now I am just a piece of curved glass,
which twist the reality, into a shiny glitz.
Killing reason and mind, while I lived my life,
now I'll exists to bruise the barefoot flock.
Step on me, to bleed and limp once again,
while I leave you staggered and unable to walk.

It's not you, who would finish me, It's me who would eat you away slowly! [evil grin...]


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