Monday, January 16, 2006

Momentory Lapse Of Reason....

Am just old confetti on the floor,
Nothing, but a ripple on the shore.
Rolling tear of that hapless fate,
Abuse of that incessant hate.
Rubber smell, of a black skid mark.
Keyhole view of that world so dark.
Flimsy line of smoke in soot sky,
Pain fused, in that imminent sigh.
Cold heart, behind that brutal face,
Frigid feelings, trapped in empty case.
I am sweat of that wasted will,
Just a scratch, by a dried up quill.
Endless war of heart and mind,
I am that lost; precious find.
Wounded bird's broken flight,
Reason for a crippled's plight.
Crunch of dried twig in the autum season,
Stupor of that hated treason,
I am your momentory lapse of reason.

Kill me, or I shall consume you.


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